Vineyard in New Zealand
Traditional Dishes Of New Zealand You Should Try Once

Most New Zealanders claim classic fish and chips would represent their country best. The origin of this staple meal is almost certainly Great Britain.

Fish And Chips

Whereas the British use cod, haddock, or plaice for the fish component of the dish, New Zealanders are more likely to use tarahiki, hoki, red cod, blue warehou, or elephant fish.

To the rest of the world, a kumara is simply a sweet potato, but this tuber has great cultural significance to New Zealand's early settlers.


Most commonly found in four varieties of varying sweetness and texture, kumara is hugely versatile and used in salads, curries, and stews, or cut into fries and wedges.

Whitebait is the collective name for juvenile fish. In New Zealand, it specifically applies to five galaxiid species that are now listed as endangered.


Whitebait are traditionally made into fritters by frying them with eggs which are eaten on their own, on toast, or in a sandwich.

Pāua is the Māori name for a large edible sea snail, also known as abalone. Some people eat them raw, but they're commonly made into fritters, steamed, or stewed.


Rēwena bread — parāoa rēwena in the Māori language — is a form of sourdough bread leavened with a potato-based fermenting starter, giving it a hint of sweetness.

Rēwena Bread

Rēwena bread is commonly eaten with butter, honey, or jam, although it's also frequently eaten as a side to soup, stews, and even pāua.