Yellow and red watermelon slices
The Nutritional Difference In Yellow Vs. Red Watermelon

Red and yellow watermelons are both over 90% water and high in vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, and potassium. However, there is a significant, nutritional difference between the two.

While an antioxidant and pigment known as beta-carotene gives yellow watermelon its hue, yellow watermelons lack lycopene — the antioxidant responsible for red watermelon's color.

Beta-carotene is a source of provitamin A, which means that the body converts this pigment into vitamin A. So, yellow watermelon packs a particularly potent punch of vitamin A.

Vitamin A helps support eye health and ensures your immune system is working properly. Beta-carotene also improves cognitive function and prevents oxidative stress in the body.

Red watermelon is rich in lycopene, which has been linked to protection from heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and environmental toxins such as pesticides.

Red watermelon also contains an amino acid called citrulline, which can enhance athletic performance, mitigate or prevent muscle soreness, and help the heart to circulate blood.