Brain Freeze Alert: Four Ways To Enjoy The Summer Of Frozé!

Summer is rosé season! This is your cue to make a very unsubtle seismic shift in drinking habits. Put down the brown liquor and heady Riojas and fill your refrigerator with blissful rosés from France, New Zealand, the Hamptons and more. Sipping chilled rosé all day long never gets old, but if you're looking for a new spin on this summer staple, try freezing it. Winemakers everywhere might be cringing at the phenomenon, but frozé is the perfect cornerstone for creating boozy, adult treats that will keep you refreshed right up to Labor Day.

Every component of the below recipes is from scratch — no premade mixers here. There are also very few ingredients in each, so it's important to use fresh, peak-season produce and premium-quality wines. If you're not willing to drink the wine on its own, these recipes aren't going to mask or compensate for those shortcomings. These recipes are meant to celebrate and complement the rosé flavor profiles, not overpower them. You won't need to blow a paycheck, but commit to spending about $15 per bottle.


Recipes for rosé slushies are in abundance this summer, but I use the below because it's easy to execute (thank you, ice cube trays) and combines two staples that I always have in my bar: rosé and Campari. Since there are so few ingredients, spend a few extra dollars on a better-quality wine, and feel free to improvise! The below is really a template: a big wine, sugar, something tart/bitter and garnish. Substitute the fruit garnish with savory touches like rosemary sprigs, or treat it more like a mint julep and muddle blueberries and fresh mint into the mixture.

Wine recommendation: Full-bodied and robust, a bit on the dry side. I like Alpha Estate ($20), which has strong berry notes and a deep color, so it holds up well against natural color dilution from freezing and blending. It's also Greek, making it a surprising choice among the sea of North Fork and Provence varietals commonly found on shelves. 


  • One 750-milliliter bottle rosé
  • ½ cup simple syrup
  • Splash of Campari
  • Lemon twist and orange slice to garnish
  • Directions

  • Freeze rosé in ice cube trays. The alcohol will prevent it from freezing completely, but that's okay.
  • Combine ice cubes, simple syrup in blender and pulse until desired slushie consistency is reached.
  • Pour into coupe glass, float Campari on top and garnish.
  • Makes 4-5 cocktails


    I avoid popsicles because they usually are cloyingly sweet. This adult version is not only boozy, but using fresh lemonade creates a tart, refreshing treat. (And one where I control the sugar content!) For a colorful, flavorful twist, substitute the fruit and mint leaves for bits of cucumber and thyme sprigs.

    Wine recommendation: Fruit-forward, sweet-leaning and richly colored. I like Saved Magic Maker ($14) by tattoo artist turned winemaker Scott Campbell. I'm usually skeptical of celebrity-endorsed forays into spirits and winemaking, but Saved's California rosé is surprisingly refined and completely delicious, and the vibrant strawberry and apple notes are exactly what you want in a good, boozy popsicle.


  • One 750-milliliter bottle rosé
  • 2 cups fresh squeezed lemonade (lemons, simple syrup to taste)
  • Honey, to taste (optional)
  • 1 cup of in-season fruit, such as whole blueberries or quartered strawberries
  • Mint leaves, chiffonade
  • Directions

  • Combine wine and lemonade, sweeten with additional honey to taste.
  • Pour into popsicle molds, filling each mold only halfway. Drop in a few pieces of fruits and bits of mint, then freeze.
  • After 2 hours, remove molds and fill remainder of the way, dropping in a few more pieces of fruit and herbs.
  • *This ensures the garnishes remain evenly spaced in the popsicles.

  • Freeze another 2-3 hours until frozen and ready to serve.
  • Makes 6-8 popsicles, depending on the size.

    *Tool note: Tovolo has several fun popsicle molds for summer, including a tiki-themed set (I've never refused tiki anything). I also recently discovered the jewel molds. Reminiscent of Ring Pop candies from childhood, they're a fun and unexpected approach that will surely win over unsuspecting guests. Likelihood of top-notch tipsy banter: high.


    Granita is a wonderful palate cleanser at any stage of a meal: as a fun amuse-bouche, in between courses or as a postmeal digestif. It's also a healthier alternative to heavy, cream-based desserts and makes a guilt-free option for midday sugar cravings. Take advantage of the hot weather and omnipresence of premium rosés to make what is essentially an adult sno-cone.

    Wine recommendation: Crisp and floral, light on sugar, and full-bodied. Truvee Rosé ($15) by the McBride sisters is a unique find. With notes of white flowers and peaches, it's a welcome departure from the more expected berry tones of many rosé wines and creates a delicate, refreshing granita. If you're making granita as an ice cream alternative for a crowd, increase the simple syrup concentration and opt for a more cost-effective brand. The seasonal, limited-release rosé from Dark Horse is light without being thin and just the right amount of sweet. At $10 a bottle, it's easy to double the recipe and make an entertaining-sized batch — the perfect ending to a big summer BBQ.


  • One 750-milliliter bottle rosé
  • 1 tablespoon each fresh lemon and grapefruit juice
  • Approx. ½ cup simple syrup, to taste
  • Candied grapefruit peel to garnish
  • Directions

  • In large bowl, combine wine, simple syrup, and citrus juice.
  • Pour mixture into sheet pan or shallow, freezer-proof cooking dish. Place in freezer.
  • After two hours, remove from freezer and using a fork, scrape the half-frozen mixture to break up any clumps. It should start to resemble icy snow.
  • Return to freezer, freeze another hour. Scrape again with fork.
  • Return to freezer for another 2 hours, up to 24 hours. When ready to serve, scrape the mixture again with a fork and, using an ice cream scoop or melon baller, dish up scoops of the ice. Garnish with grapefruit peel and serve immediately.
  • Rosérita 

    Rosé. Tequila. Summer fruit. Is there anything better? The combination of a classic margarita with the refreshing bliss of dry rosé is a delicious — and potent — summer delight. In keeping with frozé fashion, this recipe can be served blended, but I prefer mine on the rocks. Either way, serve the cocktail super-cold and with a generously salted rim.

    Wine recommendation: Very dry, and preferably French. Margaritas should be smooth and crisp, not bogged down with excessive sugar. Avoid overly fruity wines for this recipe, which will ruin that essential citrus bite of a proper margarita. Minuty's M Rosé ($14) from Provence is my go-to (and also has a shapely bottle for repurposing).


  • One 750-milliliter bottle rosé
  • 1½ cups blanco tequila, such as Espolòn
  • 1½ cups muddled strawberries
  • 2/3 cup fresh lemon juice
  • ½ – 1 cup simple syrup, to taste
  • Orange wedges to garnish
  • Salt
  • Directions

  • In a large pitcher, mix wine, tequila, fruit, lemon juice and simple syrup to taste.
  • If serving on the rocks, pour mixture into glasses with salted rims. Garnish with orange wedges.
  • *To stretch (and dilute) this version of the recipe, pour a one-liter bottle of club soda into the pitcher for a sparkling version.

  • If serving blended, combine mixture in blender with handful of ice and pulse until smooth. Serve and garnish as above.
  • Makes one very serious pitcher of roséritas.