Goat Town Shandy Recipe
If you think an ice-cold beer is refreshing on a hot summer's day, then just think what topping off that beer with lemonade will do for you. The result is ultimate thirst-quenching refreshment with the slightest kick — call it a nudge — just enough to make the sun shine a little brighter. The Shandy is nothing new: the Brits invented it long ago to help cool themselves (and their room-temperature ales) down in the muggier months. Originally referred to as the shandygaff, it generally consists of two parts beer to one part lemonade. At Goat Town, in New York's East Village, it gets spiked with a housemade herbed simple syrup that literally smacks of summer, plus fresh lemon juice. Bartender Leif Huckman shares the recipe for you to try at home.

- 1/2 quart Demerara Sugar
- 1/2 quart water
- 1/2 cup dried lavender
- 1/4 cup fennel seeds
- 1 bag Chamomile Tea
- several sprigs fresh tarragon
- several sprigs fresh mint
- 3 cardamom pods
- 3/4 ounces herbed simple syrup
- 3/4 ounces fresh lemon juice
- 1 pint Coors Banquet