The Best Cut Of Meat To Use When Making Steak And Eggs

Simple to make yet luxurious to eat, there's no better dish than steak and eggs to start the day in style. The effort-to-reward ratio is simply unbeatable. But choosing the perfect steak for the protein-packed treat is key. You don't want anything that's too prohibitively expensive, nor too big or rich at breakfast time; even the most committed carnivore might struggle to get through a dictionary-thick porterhouse first thing in the morning. So Food Republic asked an expert for some top tips to guarantee a satisfying breakfast every time.

Rich Parente, who is the chef and owner of Clock Tower Grill in Brewster, New York, looks for "something that cooks quickly, is tender, and takes up flavor well." For him, there's one option that ticks all the right boxes. "I like skirt steak with my eggs," he says. This budget-friendly cut of steak "lends itself well to breakfast since it's not so heavy or super fatty."

While steak and eggs "can be considered a more casual dish, I still want to eat something that's delicious," said Parente. And skirt, which is best served medium-rare to medium, is full of robust beefy flavor. Available as an outside skirt or inside skirt cut, Parente's pick is a long, flat muscle that suits hot and fast cooking, making it ideal for busy mornings. But before you toss it straight into a hot pan, it's worth spending an extra few minutes to prepare the meat for the best results.

Marinate skirt steak for superior taste and texture

For an extra boost of flavor, professional chef Rich Parente likes to marinate the skirt steak for his steak and eggs. "A lot of time, I'll add salt, pepper, some fresh herbs, a bit of wine, and oil to a blender, mix it all up, and then marinate my steak in that mixture for 10 minutes while getting everything else prepped," he told Food Republic. Because of the structure of the meat, which is looser than some other cuts, it responds especially well to being quickly marinated and easily absorbs all the delicious flavors.

Skirt steak can sometimes be considered one of the tougher cuts of beef. But marinating it also enhances the tenderness, as the acid helps to break down the connective tissue. Don't go overboard, though, as too much acid can ruin marinades. For an extra-tender result, as well as an even faster cooking time, you could also pound the meat to make it flatter and break it down further.

If you're still worried about the beef being too chewy, then Parente has some expert advice for serving it. "Steak and eggs is a pretty hard dish to mess up," he says. "One tip, especially for skirt steak, is to cut your meat against the grain — slicing into it the wrong way can make each bite a bit tougher." Follow the pro's advice, and the most delicious yet fuss-free breakfast can be yours.

Reheat leftover steak for a quick and tasty breakfast

You don't always need to cook meat from-scratch for steak and eggs, as leftover steak can easily be transformed into a hearty breakfast dish. It makes it even quicker to put together, and restoring leftover beef to its former glory is simple, according to chef Rich Parente. "To reheat leftover steak, quickly saute it in a hot frying pan with a little bit of butter," he advises. "Cook it just long enough to put a little bit of a crispy sear on the outside, bringing it back to life." This method also works well if your leftover steak is already sliced.

If you've got more time, or are reheating a larger cut, then the oven is another great way to reheat steak without overcooking it. Use a very low temperature, and heat the meat on a cooling rack for good air circulation and a more even result. There's one reheating method you should definitely avoid when it comes to steak, though. "Don't put it in the microwave!" warns Parente. It may be fast, but the reason you should stop using the microwave to reheat steak is because it can dry out the juicy meat.

Once you've mastered the steak, that just leaves the eggs — and this element all comes down to personal preference. "Some people like an omelet and some like scrambled," says Parente. "I prefer my eggs over-easy, but there's no wrong way to make the eggs."